Real Estate

Our Service - Real Estate

A real estate business cooperative is a type of cooperative that is owned and controlled by its members, who are involved in the real estate industry. These cooperatives are established to provide their members with access to resources, expertise, and support necessary to conduct real estate transactions.

The goal of real estate business cooperatives is to provide their members with a stable and reliable source of income, while also promoting the responsible use of resources and the well-being of their communities. By pooling resources and working together, real estate business cooperatives are able to provide their members with a wider range of services at a lower cost than they would be able to access as individuals.

Real estate business cooperatives can also play an important role in promoting sustainable real estate development, supporting affordable housing initiatives, and improving the quality of life in communities

About Us

Swaraj Federation was established on 16th August, 2022 was founded by co-operative societies operating in diverse and successful sectors of the Indian economy to function as the apex body of Multipurpose cooperatives in the country.

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